
November Is Moustache Month

November is unofficial moustache month. All men at some point experiment with facial hair, particularly when it first arrives and it is something new and wonderful. I fall into this category and all through college I got a big kick out of my moustache and the reactions. There is something very masculine and tough about a moustache, as well as something sophisticated and rustic. The stache immediately barks out "Don't fuck with me," as the upper lip hair bearer will either beat you up or out smart you. Not many men these days rock a stache and it has certain connotations and stereotypes that one must accept as part of the ritual, only the brave shall continue this great tradition. Since November is moustache month, lets honor the moustache and some of the more famous staches through the years:


Charles Bronson

Salvatore Dali

Don Mattingly & Wade Boggs

Albert Einstein

Emilio Zapata

Ernest Hemingway

Hulk Hogan

Jimi Hendrix

John Waters

Pablo Escobar

Richard Pryor

Rollie Fingers

Sean Penn

My brother Zach