
Aperture Green Cart Commission

I am thrilled and excited to have been selected by the Aperture Foundation to work on a year long commission documenting the Green Cart initiative in New York City. I will be working with 4 other awesome photographers, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Thomas Holton, Gabriele Stabile & Shen Wei on the project. For the past year I have turned my camera to the problems that plague our inner cities in hopes that through the power and salience of photography change can come and positive action can be made. There is a food revolution happening right now in inner cities throughout America and it is a light at the end of a long dark tunnel to discover programs like the Green Cart initiative. It is refreshing and uplifting to be able to now turn my camera and document the efforts to bring locally grown fruits and vegetables at affordable prices to some of the most economically deprived neighborhoods in New York where there are little or no health resources and food options available.