Based on recent posts about my bike riding episodes concerns about my safety, common sense and perhaps overall intelligence have been brought to my attention by those close to my heart. Perhaps because I am a loner and therefore ride alone, those close to my heart have not actually seen me ride, witnessed the decisions I make or the risks I take, and here I must defend myself, plain and simple: I ain't no fool. Yes, I have been hit been by a van but that was right after I got my new road bike and I was a tad over enthusiastic about how fast the thing was and got myself into some trouble. Trouble, not injuried or anything of the sort, I quickly got up, punched the side of the van and yelled the first mean thing that came to mind and got back on my bike and to rode to the gym. Yes, I like to go fast and I take full advantage at every opportunity, but like I said, I ain't no fool. I stop at Delancey and Allen when it's a red light, as do I at Broadway and Houston; yes, I ride with my iPod on, but it's visual thing not a auditory one, just as I listen to music when I drive; no, I don't ride when I'm drunk. With all that said, lately many of the downtown streets are being repaved and are an unpleasant ride, this has had me re-thinking many of my usual routes, which in turn has me thinking about some of my favorite rides below 14th Street. Here are my top 3 late night, ride as fucking fast as you can, blaze the cabbies, Metallica "Ride The Lightning" on at full volume rides:
-East on Grand Street starting at Broadway (also a great ride on a Saturday afternoon and dodging all the Little Italy New Jersey suburban tourists)
-North on Laffayete starting at La Esquina, into 4th Ave until 14th Street
-North on Allen starting at East Broadway, into First Avenue until 14th Street
I guess there is no better place than here to announce that I am training for a ride from Manhattan to Philly, 100 miles, no stopping. Anyone who would like to ride with me, train with me: holla at me. Maybe we'll even race to Philly!